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Israel Studies Teaching Supplement

The Israel Studies Teaching Supplement supports teaching about Israel by Israeli doctoral students, postdocs, spousal appointments, independent scholars or other Israeli academics who already live in the United States and who have unfunded/underfunded research appointments.
Period of Placement

Spring 2025


August 6, 2024

Apply Now for Spring 25
Period of Placement

Fall 2025


April 3, 2025

Apply Now for Fall 2025

Israeli scholars located in the United States may apply for up to $10,000 per semester-long course ($8,000 per 10-week quarter) to support teaching of full-term, in-person, undergraduate courses about Israel.

  • Eligibility
  • Program Requirements
  • How to Apply
  • Invitation

The Israel Studies Teaching Supplement program is open to Israeli scholars with strong English skills and the ability to teach undergraduate courses about modern Israel to students in the United States.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree or be currently enrolled in a doctoral program AND have an invitation to teach full-term, undergraduate, in-person courses about Israel at a college or university in the United States.

This is a selective program; the Israel Institute does not guarantee placement to those who apply.

Scholars must teach courses that are focused on Israel. Courses may be in any discipline but, to be considered Israel-focused, at least sixty percent of the topics and readings must be about modern Israel. Courses must be listed at the undergraduate level, taught in person, be worth at least three credits, and last an entire semester or quarter (10-week minimum).

Israel Studies Teaching Supplements do not support graduate, online, or intensive courses.

Grant recipients are not employees of the Israel Institute and must coordinate hiring with a university. Grant recipients should plan to cover their own expenses including, but not limited to, living expenses, taxes, health insurance, travel expenses, bench fees, etc. Israel Institute grants do not pay for college/university administrative costs, fees, overhead, or indirect costs.

Finding a school
The first step in seeking a grant through the Israel Studies Teaching Supplement program is to find a school in the United States interested in hosting you and offering an undergraduate course about modern Israel.

You may start your application before you have an invitation, but you will need a formal invitation from the school before submitting your application.

Online Application

Once you click on the “Apply Now” button below, please make sure you select the correct program and application that corresponds to the correct semester in which your course will run.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but you must submit your application at least five months before the first day of class.

The application asks questions about you, the host university, and your proposed course(s).

The application also requires:

  • A high-resolution headshot (300 ppi);
  • A short bio;
  • An academic curriculum vitae (CV);
  • The title, course description, and a list of ten topics you will cover in the course you propose to teach; and
  • An invitation from a host university.

Invitation requirements
Invitations should be on university letterhead and include the following information:

  • The name and term of the Israel-focused course the applicant will teach;
  • Certification that the course will be a full-term, minimum three-credit, in-person, undergraduate class;
  • A promise to sponsor a faculty visa if necessary; and
  • A promise to make an effort to ensure robust enrollment.

Scholars need a formal invitation before grants are awarded.

Download a customizable template for a university invitation.

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship

Available for a multi-year placement?
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